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How to prepare children for moving overseas

It is not easy to move to a foreign country. This move usually implies that you will be miles away from your home surrounded by people from a different culture. For an adult, this might not pose a problem. However, what if you have children? Depending on their age and personality, some children will not take the news well. For this reason, you should prepare children for moving overseas.

Have a discussion with them

As you are a parent, it is solely your decision to move.  For this reason, you should explain to your children the reason for the move. Some children will not respond well to the news since they will only focus on the frightening aspects of the move. That’s why you as a parent need to be there to assure them that the move is actually beneficial to the whole family. Additionally, you should be patient and prepared to answer their questions as truthfully as possible. Good communication is crucial in order to prepare children for moving overseas.
women sitting on black wooden stools talking to a girl
Explain the reason for the move to your child

Get them involved

Getting your kids involved is a good way to prepare children for moving overseas. Once you decide upon the country, then do the research together. Luckily, everything is available on the Internet. Together with your children, look for interesting information about the culture and history of your destination. For example, if you are moving to Hawaii from Europe, then you can read about Hawaii traditional dances and food. Your children might like what they see, which will make them excited for the move. Additionally, you can make a game out of this. Give them a small task to find out the most unique facts about that foreign country. You will get to spend some quality time with your children while doing something productive.

Buying a house

If you still have not bought a house, then you can do it together with your children. Long-distance home buying can be complicated since you cannot visit the house and see it yourself. However, many people bought their house without seeing it in the person. You can ask your children what they would like for a house. Here is a chance to work together. Your children will be active participants, which might change their negative opinion about moving. Additionally, if they have some specific requests for the house, you can try to fulfill those wishes.

Schools in a foreign country

Finding a suitable school for your kids should be your priority. Here is the way to do it.
  • Start with research as early as possible
  • You can contact international schools and get additional information
  • Try to find the school with a similar curriculum
  • Some schools have the waiting list so make sure to start on time
  • Involve your children in this process as well
  • Some schools offer buddy programmes or they can help your children to find a pen pal
  • Think carefully about the school location and try to find one that is closer to your home
  • If you are moving to the non-English speaking country, then see if schools have language courses. You can even start with language learning even before the move
Prepare children for moving overseas by looking for a good school
Find the best school for your children with their help

Packing your items

The best way to prepare children for moving overseas is to give them some authority. They can decide which toys they will bring with them and which ones will stay behind. Give them a couple of cardboard boxes for packing and let them do it themselves. If your children see that they have some say in moving, they will not feel as if the move was forced on them. If they have some doubts about the packing, let them come to you. Then you can show them how to pack for moving.

Let them have time to say goodbye

Saying goodbye is the hardest part of moving overseas. Depending on your children’s age, some will have a harder time saying goodbyes than others. Babies and toddlers will have almost no problems with the move since they are too young to understand what is happening. However, pre-teens and teenagers already have their group of friends. For this reason, you should let them spend some time with their friends before the move. You can use this time to take care of all the documents that you need for moving abroad. Additionally, if you are making a long-distance move while pregnant, then try to rest when your children are out playing with their friends.

On a moving day

Once the moving day comes, it is important to be calm. Children usually imitate the behavior of their parents. If you seem too stressed, your children will notice it and respond to it. For this reason, everything should be packed and ready for the move. By now, you should have hired a good moving company. If you are in the process of searching for one, you can consider one of the reputable Hawaii moving companies. They will help you with your relocation.

After the move

The move does not end once you reach your new country. Your children will need a couple of weeks to settle into their new home. If you have small children, then try to keep the same routine that you had at your old house. This means eating and sleeping time should be around the same time as it was before. Additionally, you can get your children a pet if they have always asked for one. The pet can help your children to adjust to their new surroundings. You should also pay close attention to your children to see how they are faring. If they turn to worse, it would be wise to look for professional help.
brown dog sit beside person wearing white tank top near beach
A pet will help your children with the move

How to prepare children for moving overseas

As you can see, it is important to prepare your children for moving overseas. Start this preparation as soon as you can, so your children will have enough time to process the news. Good luck with your relocation.
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